Cultivating Creativity: When Arts Meet Biology 4.0 Inspires Student Lens On Biodiversity | CENTRE FOR FOUNDATION STUDIES IN SCIENCE OF UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
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Cultivating Creativity: When Arts Meet Biology 4.0 Inspires Student Lens on Biodiversity

Title: "Cultivating Creativity: When Arts Meet Biology 4.0 Inspires Student Lens on Biodiversity"

The "When Arts Meet Biology 4.0" programme provides an engaging photography competition that aims to immerse students of Centre for Foundation Studies in Sciences of Universiti Putra Malaysia (ASPutra) in the wonders of biodiversity through an intriguing mix of art and science. This competition is more than simply a visual extravaganza, with themes centred around "Pollinator Partnerships" and "Symbiotic Relationships." It is an educational adventure for young minds that are eager to discover the complex tapestry of the natural world. The competition was conducted by Biology Unit of ASPutra from 2nd to 24th October 2023.


Winner: 'To Live is to Die!’ by Ahmad Naif bin Jamaludin (G19)


The "Pollinator Partnerships" theme invites students to depict the fascinating relationships that exist between pollinators and plants. Students acquire a greater comprehension of the vital functions that pollinators perform in preserving the fragile equilibrium of ecosystems. As for the theme "Symbiotic Relationships," students are expected to draw attention to the beneficial relationships that exist between plants and other species. Through the graphic representation of these stories of interconnectedness, students dive into the complex webs that support life, underscoring the significance of biodiversity preservation.


Out of a pool of 35 participants, an impressive 10 individuals have been chosen to advance to the final round of judging. Guiding this crucial phase are two professionals, Mr. Muhammad Azhim and Mr. Arif Haiqal. Their expertise guarantees a comprehensive assessment as the chosen participants compete for recognition in the ultimate stage of this competition. Ahmad Naif bin Jamaludin from Group 19 crowned as the winner of this competition with the entry titled 'To Live is to Die!'. The image depicting two fruit flies mating has won the hearts of the judges, receiving positive comments for its notable quality. Second and third places have been secured by Tay Shu Wei from Group 5 and Alena Sufiyah binti Azmir Redza from G17. Both participants have also garnered positive feedback from the judges.




This competition serves as a dynamic educational platform, allowing students to apply their creativity to real-world scientific concepts. Through hands-on engagement with nature photography, participants not only develop their artistic skills but also gain a profound appreciation for the biodiversity that surrounds them.


"When Arts Meet Biology 4.0" goes beyond traditional learning methods, providing students with a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between art and science. By encouraging a closer look at the natural world through the lens, the program inspires the next generation of scientists, artists, and environmental stewards. As students eagerly explore the themes of pollinator partnerships and symbiotic relationships, they embark on a visual journey that fosters a lifelong connection with the wonders of biodiversity.


Muhammad Amiruddin Bin Ibrahim 
Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan,
Bidang Biologi, Pusat Asasi Sains,
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Date of Input: 22/12/2023 | Updated: 22/12/2023 | hasniah


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