Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer. Let's first become familiar with a few mathematical figures in the field of geometry before studying its beauty. The following is a list of notable mathematicians from Greek ancestry and their contributions to geometry.
- Euclid: One of the most well-known mathematicians, Euclid was referred to as the "Father of Geometry." The Euclidean geometry is his most well-known contribution to geometry and it is covered in class IX's Geometry chapter. He dedicated his entire life to mathematics and made a significant advancement in geometry.
- Pythagoras: The "Pythagoras theorem" is a well-known and crucial mathematical formula for solving mathematical issues. We have all battled to use the Pythagoras theorem to solve mathematics problems since we were little. This well-known theorem was developed by Pythagoras, who afterwards earned the title "Pythagoras theorem" father. Although Pythagoras was originally from Greece, he later moved to India.
- Ptolemy: Ptolemy was an astronomer, geographer, musician, writer, and mathematician. He made enormous contributions to mathematics. His finest treatise, titled Almagest, was one of his writings on mathematics. Additionally, he thought that the Earth was at the centre of the universe.
- Archimedes: Greek scientist Archimedes was also a brilliant mathematician and physician. He also dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of physics-related mathematical formulae. The development of compound pulleys, antiquity, and the screw pump are considered to be Archimedes' greatest contributions to mathematics. These ancient and compound pulley chapters are required reading for class X students.
Geometry manifests its beauty in numerous aspects of life. It can be seen in the pattern found in nature to the design principles behind architecture and art. Geometry exposes the beauty and harmony that our environment already possesses. Here are some illustrations of how geometry enhances the beauty of life:

- Natural Forms: Geometrical patterns and structures can be found everywhere in nature. Geometrical laws control the development and configuration of all living things, from the delicate symmetry of flowers and snowflakes to the intricate spirals of seashells and galaxies. The efficiency and optimisation found in geometric structures are demonstrated by the hexagonal honeycomb cells and the branching patterns of trees.

- Architecture: Throughout history, the design and construction of buildings have been influenced by geometry, which plays a crucial role in architecture. Geometric principles provide stability, balance, and aesthetic appeal in all kinds of structures, from the ancient pyramids and Greek temples to the contemporary skyscrapers and bridges. A sense of harmony and order is evoked by visually appealing structures that use symmetry, proportion, and geometric patterns.

- Art and Design: To produce aesthetically appealing compositions, artists and designers frequently use geometric shapes and patterns. Geometric abstraction emphasises clear lines, forms, and colour groupings to provoke emotions and transmit meaning, as seen in the works of painters like Piet Mondrian and Kazimir Malevich. Geometry is a potent medium for creative expression, as seen in the elaborate mandalas of Eastern civilizations and Islamic geometric patterns.
- Music: The beauty of geometry is also present in the field of music. Mathematical ratios and interactions between notes provide the foundation of musical harmony. When it comes to music, musical scales follow geometric progressions, while the octave, for instance, symbolises a doubling of frequency. Fugues and canons, two examples of exquisite patterns and symmetry found in musical compositions, show how mathematical structure and aesthetic appeal interact.3. Art and Design: To produce aesthetically appealing compositions, artists and designers frequently use geometric shapes and patterns. Geometric abstraction emphasises clear lines, forms, and colour groupings to provoke emotions and transmit meaning, as seen in the works of painters like Piet Mondrian and Kazimir Malevich. Geometry is a great instrument for creative expression, as seen in the elaborate mandalas of Eastern civilizations and Islamic geometric patterns.

- Technology and engineering: Many modern technology innovations and engineering wonders are built on the principles of geometry. Geometrical concepts provide the foundation for the construction of practical and aesthetically pleasing systems, from the planning of effective transportation networks to the creation of computer visuals and animations. For industries like architecture, aircraft, and computer-aided design, geometry provides precise calculations, exact measurements, and efficient modelling.
- Fractals: Complex geometric structures known as fractals show self-similarity at various sizes. They may be seen in a variety of man-made and natural phenomena, including clouds, coastlines, and computer-generated images. Fractals are beautiful structures with complex patterns that result from straightforward mathematical formulae. By mixing repetition, recursion, and minute minutiae, they capture our attention.

In summary, what makes geometry attractive in life is its ability to reveal symmetrical patterns and harmonic structures that are both aesthetically pleasant and useful. Geometry gives a great appreciation for the grace and order that rule our world, whether it be seen in nature, expressed through art and design, or used in science and engineering. What if everything in universe was explainable with geometry?
Wan Nur Atikah Wan Mohd Adnan
Tarikh Input: 21/06/2023 | Kemaskini: 21/06/2023 | hasniah