Foundation Studies For Agricultural Science (International Intake) | CENTRE FOR FOUNDATION STUDIES IN SCIENCE OF UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
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Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science (International Intake)

Code and Name of Programme: P00053 - Foundations Studies for Agricultural Science (International Intake)


Programme Duration

1 year (2 semesters)


University Putra Malaysia’s Foundation program is administered by The Centre Of Foundation Studies In Agricultural Science.  The students will pursue their study at a foundation level surrounded by the campus environment which enriches their preparation for degree studies.

This programme provides the academic background in a range of interesting subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Agriculture, Foundation English, Introduction to Academic English and Introduction to Information Technology.  

This Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science Programme is designed to prepare the students with the necessary foundation to pursue their Bachelor programmes at University Putra Malaysia. The programme is delivered through engaging lectures supplemented with laboratory and field work as well as projects to build the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed not only in their undergraduate studies, but more importantly, as independent life-long learners.


Admission Requirements

O level or equivalent, with at least ;

  1. Obtained Grade B in the subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Additional Mathematics;
  2. Obtained  Grade B in EITHER ONE (1) of the following subjects:
    • Physics
    • Agricultural Science
    • Agrotechnology Studies AND
  3. Credits (Grade B) in English Language.



 Faculty of Agriculture

PG11      Bachelor of Agricultural Science
PG14      Bachelor of Horticultural Science
PG05      Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness)
PG27      Bachelor of Agriculture (Aquaculture)
PG32      Bachelor of Agriculture (Animal Science)

Faculty of Forestry

PG12       Bachelor of Forest Science
PY11       Bachelor of Wood Science and Technology

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

PM01     Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Health Science

PM02     Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
PM05     Bachelor of Science (Dietetic)
PM09     Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Community Health)
PM10     Bachelor of Science (Environmental and Occupational Health)

Faculty of Engineering

PK01       Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
PK02       Bachelor of Engineering (Electric and Electronic)
PK03       Bachelor of Engineering ((Chemical)
PK05       Bachelor of Engineering (Agriculture and Biosystem)
PK08       Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
PK15       Bachelor of Engineering (Aerospace)
PK16       Bachelor of Engineering (Process and Food)
PK17       Bachelor of Engineering (Computer System and Communication)

Faculty of Food Science and Technology

PG09      Bachelor of Food Science and Technology
PG17      Bachelor of Science (Food Studies)

Faculty of Science

Bachelor of Science (Honours)

PS02       Major in Biology
PS08       Major in Mathematics
PS09       Major in Statistics
PS15       Major in Physics
PS28       Major in Chemistry
PS29       Major in Industrial Chemistry
PS30       Major in Petroleum Chemistry
PS36       Major in Material Science
PS37       Major in Instrumental Science 

Faculty of Design and Architecture

PH00       Bachelor of Architecture
PH02       Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
PH03       Bachelor of Architectural Science
PH12       Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)

Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science

Bachelor of Science (Honours)

PG07       Biotechnology
PS26       Biochemistry
PS27       Microbiology
PS71       Biological Cells and Molecules

Faculty of Environmental Science

PG46      Bachelor of Environmental Science and Technology
PG43      Bachelor of Environmental Management


PE00        Bachelo rof Economics
PE02        Bachelor of Accountancy
PE06        Bachelor of Business Administration

Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication

PA02 Bachelor Communication

Bachelor of Art - Major In

PB00     English Language
PB03     Malay Language and Linguistics
PB06     Malay Literature
PB07     English Literature

Foreign Languages - Major In

PB04     Mandarin
PB05     Arabic
PB08     French
PB09     German

Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology

Bachelor of Computer Science - Major In

PC04     Computer System
PC09     Multimedia
PC10     Software Engineering
PC11     Computer Networking

Faculty of Human Ecology

PA05     Bachelor of Music (Music Performance)
PP02     Bachelor of Science (Human Development)
PP33     Bachelor of Science (Human Development and Management)
PP34     Bachelor of Science (Human Development and Information Technology)
PP20     Bachelor of Consumer Studies

Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science

PG30 Bachelor of Bioindustry Science





Updated:: 05/09/2024 [hasniah]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan