4th International Symposium On Multidisciplinary Science (SMS 2022) | PUSAT ASASI SAINS UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
» BERITA » 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Science (SMS 2022)

4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Science (SMS 2022)

5th July 2022, Tuesday – The Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science (ASPer) has organised the 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Science (SMS 2022) on the theme “Traversing Multidisciplinary Sciences and Technology: Towards SDGs Realization”. This symposium was sponsored by the Yayasan Emraz, Emraz Travel and Tour Sdn. Bhd., Pustaka Prinsip Sdn. Bhd. and Roboshop Technologies Sdn. Bhd.


SMS 2022 has attracted altogether 120 participants from over 11 countries including 52 presenters. The research articles that were presented will also be published in the SCOPUS indexed journal. The parallel sessions featured in this symposium has brought together academicians, researchers, and students from various fields of sciences, including Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, to discuss and share current scientific exploration.  

This symposium was conducted online through Zoom platform and was officiated by Prof. Dr. Ismi Arif Ismail, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International). During the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Ismi Arif Ismail said, “SMS 2022 is important in building a highly impactful linkage of scientific knowledge that supports sustainable development. I fervently wish that this symposium will help reinforce and enhance even greater unity among us scientists. Together, we forge ahead to face whatever challenges the future may bring to help reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”


Opening remarks by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International), Prof. Dr. Ismi Arif Ismail.


With the success of this symposium, the organizers would like to offer their gratitude to the sponsors, participants, and ASPer staff for making this symposium possible. It is hoped that this symposium provides a platform for academicians, researchers, and students to exchange ideas and experiences in the effort of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set to be achieved by 2030.

Tarikh Input: 13/07/2022 | Kemaskini: 13/07/2022 | emma


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