Original Author: Muhammad Syafi Bin Abdul Nasir AS12802
Story Editor: Ms. Zur Hanis Hamim
Can you keep a secret? I married an anti-vaxxer, and I did not know it. All my insistence that vaccines are safe could never convince my wife. For her, delayed effects following vaccination can occur and will cause long-term harm. She will never allow our child to be vaccinated. I took my child to the hospital to get him vaccinated, but my wife was unaware of it. Today, I went to the hospital again. My 14-year-old child is getting his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, which is the Pfizer vaccine. He was nervous, but he managed himself. He comforted me and said that the injection did not hurt him that much. We discussed whether we should tell my wife the truth or just tell her that we went shopping. We agreed on the latter.
Shhhh …
Date of Input: 01/02/2022 | Updated: 03/10/2022 | hasniah
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