New Student Registration Day, Centre Of Foundation For Agricultural Science 2022/2023 | CENTRE FOR FOUNDATION STUDIES IN SCIENCE OF UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
» NEWS » New Student Registration Day, Centre of Foundation for Agricultural Science 2022/2023

New Student Registration Day, Centre of Foundation for Agricultural Science 2022/2023

Reported by: Mr. Mohd. Amiruddin Bin Ibrahim (Biology Unit)

Translated by: Ms. Nur Farhana Fadzillah@Fadzil (English Unit)


Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science (ASPer) welcomed Batch 2022/2023, known as ASPer 18, on the 30th and 31st of July that took place at Kolej 13, UPM.

The two-day registration session started at 8.00 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. which involved 509 local students and three international students from Japan, Maldives and Saudi Arabia. For the first time, ASPer also welcomed 29 students funded by MARA through the Young Talent Development Program (YTP).

ASPer would like to express our deepest gratitude to Vice Chancellor of UPM, Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd. Roslan Sulaiman accompanied by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International), Prof. Dr. Ismi Arif Ismail for coming to this event and meeting these students and their parents who were also present during the registration day.

Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd. Roslan Sulaiman and Prof. Dr. Ismi Arif Ismail’s visit to Kolej 13 was warmly welcomed by its Principal, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Shukri Muhammad Noor and Director of Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science (ASPer), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Binti Mohd. Top @ Mohd. Tah, as well as the top management of ASPer. The session was also attended by Chief Assistant Administration Officer, Tuan Haji Ahmad Fouzi Bin Haji Abd. Tahir from the Admission Section, Academic Division of UPM.

ASPer hopes that students of Batch 2022/2023 will take this opportunity of becoming ASPerians as their stepping stone to succeed, and to continue to work hard in their studies to be excellent UPM graduates in the future.

All the best, ASPer 18!


Below are pictures taken during the two-day registration session:

UPM Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd. Roslan Sulaiman and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International), Prof. Dr. Ismi Arif Ismail’s visit to Kolej 13



Director of Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina Binti Mohd. Top @ Mohd. Tah interacted with the parents during registration day


International student registration, Mikiya Kitae from Japan


Registration Committee who welcomed the arrival of the new ASPer students, Session 2022/2023



Date of Input: 11/08/2022 | Updated: 23/09/2022 | hasniah


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